My Happy Heart

It is never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

Friday, April 27, 2012


Who do I say I am?

I am to blame. I am guilty.
I am to blame for my failed marriage.
I am to blame for my children's drug and alcohol addictions. I am to blame for the promiscuity.
I am even to blame for the memories I did and did not create for my family.
I am a failure at being a good Christian. My original zeal is long gone and discouragement often haunts me. I don't pray or study like I should.
I should have been a better mother, wife, daughter or sister. Maybe things would have turned out differently....

I don't deserve what I don't get.

Everything rests on me…

Who do you say I am?

Sometimes you say I'm cool, sometimes crazy.
The collective "you" says I am to blame for my failed marriage. I could have done something to keep him interested in only me.
You look at my kids when they are good and say I was a good mother. You look at them when they are bad and say that I should have raised them better.
You look at me when I am full of God and say you want to be like me.
You look at me when I am empty and say I lost something along the way and that God must have left me.
You are fickle. So am I.

What is the Pure Truth?

Who does God say that I am?

He says resoundingly, I am blameless. He says I am pure.
He says I was chosen before time, loved and adopted by Him.
I am accepted and forgiven…
He shares His secrets with me and guarantees my inheritance, without strings or hesitance.
I was created to praise Him!
I have hope and promise.
I am His masterpiece…His work of art.
I was created for good works.
I am a member of God's house and have bold and confident access to God.
I am victorious! I am NOT GUILTY!

That's the truth and THAT is who I am.