My Happy Heart

It is never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

JOHN SMITH IS ALIVE weird day today.

I think a lot in the morning. It's when I run. It's when I shower. It's when I eat crackers and cheese and drink espresso in bed. Sometimes I check Facebook. It's when I put on my makeup.....

....and sometimes I cry that makeup off.

I don't mean to. I chide myself for thinking of things that make my mascara fall into the sink and my tinted moisturizer slide off of my face and down to my chin and into the folds of my neck. But today, I had to wait it out...the tears I mean.

It was not unlike last week when I just left all of my makeup off and went to my team meeting bare faced without embarrassed explanation.

But today....

Today I began thinking about a fine young man that I work with. He is 23 and makes his mama proud.

...and it made me cry.

Why? Because that's what I want for my son. A fulfilling and productive life.

So, I gather myself together and check Facebook. Someone has posted an article and video about a young man, John Smith who miraculously came back to life after his heart stopped for 45 minutes.

He came back to life....because his mother prayed him back! After I saw that I asked God to bring my baby boy back to me...back to life. Of course I cried more.....couldn't help it.

He was scheduled to meet his sister today after not having seen her for a very very long time....and he didn't show.

Not trying to be negative and morbid....but I can't help but sit here after a very long day and cry again for the loss of yet another dream....