My Happy Heart

It is never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Every Thanksgiving my kids waited for it. So with their eyes rolling and them saying, "Oh no, Mom, not again…" I would begin. It was always before the big feast and, yes, I was THAT mother who made us all stop - no matter WHO was around our sumptuous table bursting with delicious food and traditional smells and decor of the season….I was THAT mother who, before everyone inhaled the meal I had taken three days to prepare, made everyone stop and say what they were thankful for. The kids kept it short for two reasons: they wanted to eat AND they knew their mother was going to do her usual "thing" before the Thanksgiving prayer.
Although I do not have my precious cherubs at my table today, I will nonetheless do the same thing I always do - Give Thanks. Yes, I give thanks for the normal things, but the thing that my babies have all come to expect is the tears that come with my solemn statement of gratitude for the birthmothers that have been represented around my table for 28 years. That is when the tears start flowing from my eyes and the kids laugh and roll their eyes (probably because if they don't, they will cry as well.)
I am fortunate to have some wonderful women in my life who allowed me to raise their children into adulthood. These women are the most selfless people I know. They wanted more for their children than they could give at the time. Oh, they loved these babies more than most…but they knew…and they sacrificed. 

…and THAT is my cue for the faucets in my eyes to turn on and I do it unashamedly and gratefully….ever so gratefully.

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