My Happy Heart

It is never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The boy with the good heart

Once upon a time, there was a boy with a good heart.

He was born with a good heart.

Sometimes his good heart was misunderstood.

Sometimes his good heart was covered up by his mad face.

Sometimes his good heart was covered up by his embarrassed face.

Sometimes his good heart was covered up by his bravado.

....but it was only covered up. His good heart was still there.

His mother always knew he had a good heart, but sometimes she forgot. Sometimes she mistook his bravado for disrespect.

But then she remembered....

She remembered that he had compassion on those less fortunate than him. He gravitated to help the underdog. He was kind to little children. He had a good heart.

Sometimes his heart was so full of good that his words tumbled out too quickly and landed in places that he did not intend.

But he still had that great big beautiful heart.

Life had a way of misunderstanding him and stomping on that beautiful heart until it looked like something ugly.

Eventually he started believing those who stomped on it. Eventually his big beautiful heart disappeared into a seemingly bottomless chasm of life's disappointments. He forgot who he was and how his heart loved.

However, there were two who could never forget his heart. The One who created that heart and the one who was charged with nurturing it.

The One who created it, still has a plan. With all of her mistakes, his mother still hopes.

But his heart is still there and as big and loving as ever. It will find its way out again.

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