My Happy Heart

It is never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Thanksgiving Letter to My Son

I missed you so much this year my son. Thanksgiving has never been the same without you.

The last time we spent this holiday together was 2011 in Ocean Beach. That was the year Daylon, my first Grandson was born and the year my mother died. It was a hard year for our family, especially you. 

Where are you tonight my sweet son? Did you have a place to eat or a warm place to sleep?

Did you have any place to eat a Thanksgiving dinner? Do you remember all of our Thanksgivings growing up? Each and every year I would make everyone at our table say what they are grateful for. I loved that part mostly because when it came to me, I could remind everyone that I was thankful beyond words that the birthmothers represented around my table gave me the opportunity to love their children.

I have always considered your being placed in my arms a miracle. I still do.
There is so very much to "your story" - but this is the beginning:

Ali was 17 months old and we had just started praying for another child. It really did not matter how or where the baby came from - we just wanted another. We were planning on spacing them a few years apart so thought we would "give God time" to answer our prayer!
It was 1987, and a couple of days after praying that prayer, your father and I had just stepped over the threshold of our front door with our brand new and very expensive first computer. He had a deadline for a book he wrote and the personal computer was the newest frontier and helped him meet his deadline for the publisher.
The phone rang at that moment and it was our attorney from Washington state who had helped us in the adoption of your sister. He asked if we would be interested in adopting another baby. I said something to the effect of "Couldn't you have called BEFORE we spent ALL of our savings on a computer?!" He assured us that we should not worry about the finances and that God would provide.
He said that he had a young woman client that was trying to find just the right family to adopt her baby that was due in a month and after all of the "resumes" she saw, she knew that none of them were right. He showed her an introduction letter from us to our first birthmother that he still had after about a year and a half.  He arranged for us to talk and, after falling in love with your birthmother, she called and told us that she chose us to be your parents! A week and a half later, you were born and placed in my arms by your birthmother.

I do not take lightly that I was chosen to be your mother. As a matter of fact, God chose two women to be your mothers. Two women to pray and hope.

So - for YOU, my firstborn son - I give thanks and have more HOPE than any mother has ever had. So tonight - wherever you are and whatever you are doing - my mother's heart beats for you and my hope will never die.

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 

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