My Happy Heart

It is never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Short, Raw and Ugly

This will be short, raw and ugly. Read it only if you dare to NOT pass judgment.

I was in contact with a businessman who I knew. Strictly professional. I told him what was going on and that I was divorced and asked his advice about what I needed in his specialty.

After he gave the advice. He proceeded to ask me what I was looking for. He, a married man, was hitting on me! I told him I didn't know what he meant and he asked about looks and location. I mumbled something about not interested in anything for a very long time and hung up as quickly as possible.

It left me feeling dirty, pissed off and disappointed in all men in general.

I asked my receptionist the next morning, "Are all men pigs? Do they all cheat?" She said something that made me guffaw! It was, "All men are pigs. Some are just pigs in different ways."

My apologies to the few men who aren't.

1 comment:

  1. Been there - but I'm also surrounded by wonderful men, father, brothers, husband, sons, friends ... whom I'd trust with my life and the life of my children. We're all ruined until redemption. Some people just hide it better, don't you think?

    Praying for you on your journey - life is some kind of adventure. Unexpected. Terrifying. Even wonderful.

    One last thing: "Hey creeps, no more calls to Cindie. Ever! D'ya hear me?"
